Saturday, April 29, 2006

And some people irritate

Yea, some people irritate.
Like the one whom I told
Don't honk, it is a campus for heavens sake.
Yet, he would honk as if he never care.

Yes, it is your life.
But it is my ear.
Your horn, is so shrill, it pierces the sanctity of silence.
Breaks the train of thoughts.

It leaves a bad taste.
A reminder, an urgent one.
That you are down there, waiting
For the lady of your life, may be.

And until she comes out, you honk.
Well it is your horn.
But it is my imagination you see.
You leave a bitter cacophony there.

So, come on my comrade.
Don't be horny.
It is a campus for heavens sake.
It is my ear that you are molesting.
And possibly many others' who don't bother
To walk to you and say politely -
"May be you don't wanna honk" !


Anonymous said...

would definatly remember this
whenever i would be in the car. :)

Anonymous said...

You write things in the simplest way, but the idea is put across in the strongest manner. I found it interesting and could feel good flow. Dare to talk and talk it loud.