Friday, May 12, 2006

There was a girl once !

There was a girl once.
Who sang her songs to sleep.
She was so tiny then.
She needed someone to sing her to sleep then.
Her mother might be busy.
She knows that,
When she was put in the cradle
With no one to sing.
So, she sang for herself.
So that she can sleep.

They hear her sing.
They are sad when they hear her sing.
Then they come to sing.
By then she would have
Successfully slept.
They say then
"She is a survivor."
Did they know her then?
Do they know her now?
May be not.


Anonymous said...

this is da best of all ur poems...i really love it ...u expressed very subtle feelings of every girl in a very lucid manner ..really love them ...

Sri said...

A very beautiful poem.